Howdy, Newgrounds! Hope you've been holding up well!
Long ago, to combat the Demon of Boredom, I set out in vigorous pursuit of that panacea called Entertainment. Along the way of my travels, I became acquainted with a Lvl 10 Bard/Wizard class, Doug Atkinson, and with our abilities combined, together, we initiated the industrial Zen Guild, vowing to spend every spare moment we could on developing our own panacea for the world to use against this demon.
Carefully crafting, tirelessly, and without distraction, Doug and I have finally materialized the means to which we will no-doubt use to boost our ego, while systematically drowning out that vile demon's spell-like hold on the rest of the world. We call it: Vikings of the Interstate...
Today, we bring another soliloquy to give YOU another taste of this epic, slowly quenching that hidden thirst you didn't realize was evaporating your soul, and introducing a cosmically sweet nectar to your taste-bud pallet, the likes of which you won't find anywhere else.
Go forth, be fearless while we spiral towards our inevitable oblivion, and behold: The Elixir You Seek
Thanks go to Connor Grail for helping me with the sound FX, and to Oliver Koppert and Patrick Langner for wonderfully portraying their character roles, and thanks to all of you viewing for your continuous and generous support! I swear I'm not making it easy for you