Bringing you what I think is entertaining!

Age 39, Male

Animator/3-d Modeler

Lafayette, IN

Joined on 11/17/05

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FleckoGold's News

Posted by FleckoGold - October 16th, 2019

Howdy, Newgrounds! Hope you've been holding up well!

Long ago, to combat the Demon of Boredom, I set out in vigorous pursuit of that panacea called Entertainment. Along the way of my travels, I became acquainted with a Lvl 10 Bard/Wizard class, Doug Atkinson, and with our abilities combined, together, we initiated the industrial Zen Guild, vowing to spend every spare moment we could on developing our own panacea for the world to use against this demon.

Carefully crafting, tirelessly, and without distraction, Doug and I have finally materialized the means to which we will no-doubt use to boost our ego, while systematically drowning out that vile demon's spell-like hold on the rest of the world. We call it: Vikings of the Interstate...

Today, we bring another soliloquy to give YOU another taste of this epic, slowly quenching that hidden thirst you didn't realize was evaporating your soul, and introducing a cosmically sweet nectar to your taste-bud pallet, the likes of which you won't find anywhere else.

Go forth, be fearless while we spiral towards our inevitable oblivion, and behold: The Elixir You Seek

Thanks go to Connor Grail for helping me with the sound FX, and to Oliver Koppert and Patrick Langner for wonderfully portraying their character roles, and thanks to all of you viewing for your continuous and generous support! I swear I'm not making it easy for you





Posted by FleckoGold - February 26th, 2018


Doug has been working on the writing and I've been happy to work on the continuation of our pilot, Vikings of the Interstate, in comic format


If you haven't checked out the pilot, do so here: 



The story continues here (Page 01):



(Page 02_01):


(Page 02_02):



(Page 02_03):



(Page 02_04):



If you're a fan of our work, and want to support our efforts with the hopes of making it possible for us to create content full-time, become a patron on our Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/industrialzen


You can also find me over at Twitch Creative doing what I do:



Always more to come!

Thank you!


Posted by FleckoGold - February 28th, 2017

Howdy, everyone! I hope you get a chance to watch my newest feature, Vikings of the Interstate!

I know it's not perfect, and that we live in a world that consumes perfection on an every day basis, but I hope you can show it mercy for the sake of the concept, and that I did handle all of the artwork on my own. I am very proud of what I just achieved.

One of the difficulties I faced while creating this was that because the amount of time put into production, the style that I started with originally was marginally different from the style I ended with. I tried to minimize this by hopping from scene to scene day by day in random order (I used a d8).

I ended up resorting to 3-d for some of the backgrounds and solid mobile objects (cars). I had to brush up on my Blender knowledge over the summer. The scene in the kitchen went remarkably well, and you can hardly tell the difference between the shots that I hand drew, and the shots that I rendered from Blender. In other areas, like the huge zoom-out of the car rolling into town, I felt I had to settle and let some glaring differences slide, mostly due to my lack of experience on lighting. I was happy with how the buildings came out.

Sound is always much more important than we give it credit for, and I knew it was going to be a challenge here, especially with not having a mind geared towards audio art (not knowing much about it), and the sounds sounding different from one PC to the next. I had the oppurtunity to hear this with a semi-surround sound system, and it sounded spectacular.

A very grateful thank you going to Connor Grail for hooking me up with some rockin' music. Besides his obvious masterful job at syncing his music with the action at the end, he had blindly handed me a copy of the wardrums played within, and it just happened to match up wonderfully with the scout viking's intro. He's a very talented composor, and I encourage everyone to check out some of his other stuff. I still enjoy his metal cover of 'Dayman' up on Youtube, even downloaded it to my own PC's playlist.

Thank you to everyone who has shown the project interest and helped out, particularly through the Twitch community. Thank you to all the fans who I work dilligently to entertain; I hope I spread some sort of happiness.

Take care, everyone, and until next time: Keep creativity alive!1394882_148832986312_VikingFlare.png

Posted by FleckoGold - September 11th, 2016


I'm coming to the final stretches with the art for the pilot episode of Vikings of the Interstate. PresidentZen and I are planning on having it complete within the next couple months, and it's looking to be almost 7 minutes long. It's been a hell of a journey.

We're currently searching for anyone who would like to showcase their audio talent in our cartoon. We need two tracks (one being 'tribal percussion', and the other non-vocal 'brutal heavy metal'), a heap of sound FX, and voice acting doctored.

*We cannot offer any payment for this, as we are more or less 9-to-5'ers and live just within our means, nor can we gaurantee that there will be any profit made, but as a cartoon-series premise, the inspiration is there.

You can check out the project yourself as it is being made while streaming on Twitch. I'm finishing up the final lineart & coloring phase for scene 7, which is the fight scene within a viking raid, where the heavy metal track will be played.

If there is interest in this project, or are any serious questions, please contact Doug at doug@industrialZen.us

Thank you!




Posted by FleckoGold - July 4th, 2011

Greetings to all of you out there in Newgroundsland. I come bearing gifts!

I hope all of you are having a wonderful Forth of July, even if you aren't from the US. May your day be filled with glorious happenings and tasty sustenance, no matter who you are! To help with the patriotic spirit that today might bring, Doug and I have fought long and hard to produce a highly sought after piece of material, in light of the recent events that would be, Osama Bin Laden's death.

That's right folks, you saw it here first!
Osama Bin Laden's Death Photo

Also, in other news, we here at industrial Zen have recently set up a YouTube account. Feel free to stop by and say hello! YouTube Account

A Very Happy 4th!

Posted by FleckoGold - February 27th, 2011

So I just got SicTV Channel 2 out, I recommend that you go watch it. If you're reading this, you might as well, right? It's not quite as long as the first channel, but I'm still just as pleased with it. Plenty more to come, in time!

Special thanks to my good friend, Matthew Perkins, for helping out on sound and voice track editing. I'm looking forward to working with you again!

Back to the drawing board! See ya next time!


Posted by FleckoGold - September 29th, 2009

Hey Newgrounds!

So it seems that the game I had been hired to work on by my school for the Vectren Gas & Electric company has finally been released. Me, a couple of other students, and a select few professors had been picked up to work on this safety enforcing kids game. We've been working on it since the beginning of this year. I was given the job of lead animator, so any animation you see would have most likely been done by me. ^_^

Energy Safe

One game focuses around gas safety, the other focuses around electric safety.

Check it out. Enjoy.


Posted by FleckoGold - April 30th, 2009

I just got done submitting a piece that a couple other of Newground's finest artists have collaborated with me on. Back in the day when Zombie-Pimp and I were planning this out, we really wanted to the best from each genre of flash to help out. We started out with 9 strong, but dwindled down to 5. It's alright though, I'm proud of the quality of everyone's parts. We were also wanting this to be a surprise for Tom, but I guess it wasn't THAT much of a surprise...surprise Tom! :D

Pico's Portal Party

NogFish: I can't begin to estimate how much time and work you've put into this PicoDay by submitting two flashes this year. LOL. You're something to be admired for that. Kudos and thank you very much for attending this collab!

LeafWorthy: I loved your animation, Dood! You have great technique in your animation style and it makes your work seem effortless, but at the same time extremely appealing. I see you as an epic animator and someone I would love to work with again in the future. Kudos and thank you for joining this collab!

Zombie-Pimp: My man. You never seize to impress me with your animation. You're really able to capture some techniques I've seen from some of my favorite animes. Even when watching them frame by frame, I can't figure out how you're able to animate the way you do. Each frame seems awkward as hell, but then when you play it through, it totally works. Whatever it is you're doing, hold onto that, sharpen you're art, and you'll be pro. Kudos and thanks for helping me put this collab together!

De-Line: Sorry I'm not able to get you on the co-authors list as of now. I'll message Tom to see if I can't get that fixed. You're animation was very off the wall and obnoxious; something I felt ashamed of for laughing at as much as I did. LOL. I think that was your whole intention. Kudos and thanks for being a part of this collab!

As for everyone else out there, go watch our flash already! It's PicoDay! Enjoy it!

Happy BirthDay, Tom and Pico!


Posted by FleckoGold - December 11th, 2008

Well, here I am again to present the 3rd and final game I have made for TESSONAS, for THIS year anyways. It's rather difficult, so I'm told, but take a swing at it!

Trever's Street Walk

I hope this series has quenched the thirst for all of those out there that are waiting for TESSONAS ep 3, if at least for a little while. The project continues to be pushed to the back of the "to do" list because of school projects and other projects that arise. I'm hoping I can work on it again soon.

On a different note. I put together a simple animated logo for the beginning of this piece to maybe introduce a few viewers to the company PresidentZen and I are continuously working to get started. All details can be viewed at his site and his passed user news blogs.

Also, I thank Tom and Newgrounds for seeing fit to grant me a new Wacom Tablet! Newground's generosity is never taken lightly in my eyes. I just got the tablet today. It's sleek as sh*t. I feel like James Bond now when I draw. Thanks again. And Happy Holidays!
